Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kat On: Halloween

Before I begin, I want to let you know that this is not meant to offend anyone. If you are the kind of person who gets offend easily, you probably should not read this post. 

Halloween! One of the most controversial subjects among Christians. My family has always let us trick-or-treat, and, while I knew some families who didn't, that was never questioned in our family. Recently I saw a blog post go around that basically boiled down to why Halloween was evil and that we should avoid it. While I respect that they have their own opinions, much of the logic was flawed in their reasoning. I am going to sort out their reasoning  and give my own about why Halloween is fine. 

1. Halloween glorifies evil, not God. 

Halloween now days is not what it used to be. While in the past it may of been used to glorify 

evil things, now it really is just about candy. If you polled kids on what they think Halloween 

means, the majority of them would say that it's about getting candy. Granted some of the 

costumes people wear aren't great, but you'll always have bad people no matter what you talk 

about. People do bad things on Valentines day and New Years and other holidays, yet we still 

celebrate them. 

2. If the seed is bad, the fruit will be bad.
Out of all the reasons not to celebrate Halloween, this is the most illogical one yet. First of all, it's a logical fallacy. Genetic fallacy is rejecting something just because of its roots. Halloween is not bad because its roots. Also, even if somethings roots can corrupt it, Christmas should be corrupt too. After all, Christmas started out as Saturnalia, a festival worshiping the Roman god Saturn.  Gradually it became one of the most special to us holidays ever. If we aren't going to hold Christmas's roots against it, why should we hold Halloween's roots against it?

3. Don't dine with demons.
Once again, while in the past Halloween was thought of as a holiday where demons and ghosts walked around the earth, that is not the case now. The only ghost you might see while trick-or-treating is a little kid walking around with a sheet thrown over their head. Not the same thing, is it?

4. Halloween is an excuse to flaunt sexuality. 
This can be true about anything. You could say New Years is an excuse to put on skimpy party clothes and go crazy. Last year I saw a not so appropriate music video on TV at Christmastime. If you are searching for an excuse, you will find one no matter what the holiday. If you are the kind of person who would dress like that, you are going to do Halloween or not. 

5. We play how we practice.
This is true, in a sense. The truth is you set up how you practice and play. My parents never let us really be anything that might scare people. We were never witches or devils, nothing of that sort. We did carve a pumpkin  but just for fun. We trick-or-treated for candy.  You make control what you make of Halloween, whether you make it just about candy, or something more. 

6. Are we causing others to stumble.
While this is a good question to think about, once again it applies to more than Halloween. No matter what you do, make sure you are not causing others to stumble. How you act on Halloween can just as easily cause someone to stumble as how you act on Christmas. This principle, while it should always be taken in to consideration, is not a reason to quit Halloween.

7. Be faithful in small things.
While this is obliviously true, it applies to more than Halloween. Participating in Halloween is in no way unfaithful. Halloween now days is not wrong. 

8. God want to bless us - but not in the way the world blesses. 
This is true, but, if you really think about it, this includes things like Christmas presents and Easter baskets too. Christmas presents were also part of a pagan holiday honoring a god other than the one true God. Should stop giving gifts at Christmastime? Easter baskets were never mentioned in the Bible as part of Easter, only recently have we added them in to Easter along with the Easter Bunny, who is definitely not in the Bible either. Does this mean they should be shunned too? If this really is such a big thing, why aren't people up in arms over these things? 

9. There is sin in the camp. 
True, but in anything you look at this is apparent. Should we avoid books because there are sinful books out there? Anything you look at, TV, movies, games, parties, anything has sinfulness in it somewhere. It may not be super obvious, but it's there. We can't just live with are heads under rocks till' death. We live in a fallen world and have to come to terms with that fact. 

10. Come out from them and be separate.
This is true no matter the day. The question is, "Can we do this even if we celebrate Halloween?" I believe the answer is yes. Our costumes and actions are what will set us apart. We can let our actions be a light to people on Halloween.

I know that was kind of a lot, but thanks for staying with me. These are just my opinions  and I'd like to hear yours. Comment below and tell me what to think. 

                                                          Peace out!
P.S. I got the reasons from this post: 

Friday, October 11, 2013


Now, I know what you're probably thinking. "You're home schooled, all your work is homework." That is mostly true, but when you take online classes or co-op classes there is usually homework involved. I am currently taking an online essay class that my mom is reviewing, and I have a good bit of homework. It shouldn't be that hard, break it down over a few days and get it done by Friday. Easy, right? Wrong. I am a procrastinator by nature, and a whole week quickly becomes four o' clock on Friday and the stuff has to be emailed to her by 5. Yikes! I am currently working on a strategy to fix this, but till then I'm still doing a lot of work on Friday. I hope you have a better strategy for tackling homework.  
                                                                     Peace out